Thirty years into Kathleen Turner’s acting career, she started gaining weight. Even she was surprised by the weight that she gained and so as her fans. Usually with female celebrities, they gain weight when they least expect it and that is true with Kathleen’s case. She kept ignoring her weight and didn’t even attempt to control the increasing pounds she kept adding to the scale. What made her change her lifestyle is when she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

At her age, having a medical condition would be a detriment to her career and this was when Kathleen needed to turn her life around. She started adopting a fitness routine and a healthier lifestyle, which all worked out for her. She also credits her strict diet for achieving the healthy weight that she has now. Now that she’s fit, she amazingly gained back her confidence and is now back into the acting industry.


Tyra Banks is a popular American model, host and TV personality. She once became overweight but didn’t care too much about it as the celebrity would brush it off as just a phase in her life that would eventually go away. According to her interview with Shape Magazine, she didn’t care about adding more pounds because she was happy with the way she looked; people would even tell her that it was getting out of hand but she wouldn’t listen.

However, when her career was threatened, Tyra knew it was something that she needed to address, and she finally decided to start losing pounds. She adopted a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising. Credits to her trainer and nutritionist because they helped her lose an amazing 30 pounds! With her renewed sexy figure and fit physique, she started getting invites to walk on the catwalk again and saw an increase in television projects that she would eventually be featured in.


Fergie is one of the American singers who rose to fame in the ‘90s and even up to this generation. She went to concerts and tours with only little to no rest. This may come as a surprise, but despite Fergie’s wealth, she couldn’t do anything about her weight. Due to her busy schedule, her health and diet suffered, which made her gain more weight. She also got pregnant, which was another contributing factor to the increasing weight problem.

However, after giving birth, she decided to follow a weight loss program, where she needed to cut down on calories and get on a physical training regimen to lose weight naturally. Surgery was something that never crossed Fergie’s mind as it was not her best interest to go under the needle just to lose weight. Just like a good investment, she later on reaped what she’s sown because she lost 20 pounds. Now at her best shape, she is now following a good workout regime to maintain it.


Hillary Scott is one of the most beautiful women during her generation and even today. She was one of the most stunning faces of Hollywood in her prime and a lot of people tend to forget the natural beauty she once possessed when she started her career. However, she experienced a lot of personal issues and controversies, which led to her losing interest in herself. Leading a life as a celebrity is difficult especially if the person can’t handle pressure.

As a consequence, Hillary started gaining weight and people took notice of that, which was disappointing considering the fact that she worked hard to get to where she is right now. Fortunately, she decided to take things around and planned her weight loss journey. She began with her diet, which involved healthy food and strict calorie intake. She also started working out. Her investments in her body eventually paid off because she lost a total of 135 pounds. This is definitely one of the most successful weight loss journeys on our list.


Kim Kardashian is a popular TV personality and despite getting into the spotlight of Hollywood through undesirable means, she is now one of the wealthiest celebrities. Aside from Hollywood, the reality star is a businesswoman, entrepreneur and model. She’s known for having sexy curves, which is also her most prominent feature. However, when she got pregnant and gave birth to her first two kids, she gained a lot of weight and although this was a natural phenomenon for mothers, Kim didn’t expect her body to undergo a drastic change.

She started looking different, and she knew that she needed to do something about it. She kicked start her weight loss journey by exercising daily. Her motivation was her old body, which was apparently effective because she is now back to her beautiful and fit body. Everyone was amazed at her transformation, and she credits it to her determination because without it, she wouldn’t have achieved the body that she has right now.


Jimmy Kimmel is one of the most popular comedians and TV hosts. His show is one of the most watched programs on TV because of his unique personality and amazing sense of humor. He is also a popular writer and producer, which earned the respect of many celebrities and prominent people in Hollywood. His workload started piling up, which took a toll on his health and affected his weight negatively. Even his fans noticed his figure, and he knew that he needed to do something about it immediately.

Jimmy followed a healthy plan and started working out without affecting his busy schedule. The weight loss journey was certainly no easy task but with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. In no time, positive results started showing, and he credits all this to his diet, where he had to cut down on calories. Hopefully, he’ll be able to maintain his healthy weight for good and keep doing what he loves.


Actress Margo Martindale got encouraged by her fans who advised her to start taking care of herself, most specifically her body weight. It is rare to see a celebrity and her fans have such a connection, but that is just the case with Margo and her loyal supporters. She soon realized that health is one of her greatest investments, so she started getting back in shape by adopting a strict diet. A physical training regimen was also put in effect to further increase the effectiveness of Margo’s diet plan.

It was so effective that she lost 20 pounds in just a few months and gained positive reception from everyone. Her weight loss journey became a success — thanks to her fans because, without them, she might not even notice her weight. Currently, at 69, she is still in the entertainment industry, and by the looks of it, she was able to maintain her healthy weight.


Theresa Caputo has always struggled with her weight, but she realized one day that she couldn’t take it anymore. The catalyst for her weight loss journey was the dissatisfaction the actress had that built up over time. With the use of the internet, she decided to reach out to her fans and let them know that she was about to begin her weight loss journey. Social media helped Theresa to gain motivation from fans, friends and family to help her get through the weight loss.

She started exercising regularly and adopted a proper yet nutritious diet, which she credited for helping her lose 30 pounds. When she flaunted her body transformation, everyone was surprised at how much weight she lost. Theresa certainly proved to everyone that she is capable of doing the impossible with her weight loss journey. Now, to ensure that she’ll be able to maintain it, she continued working out and following a healthy diet.


Eric Stonestreet is an American comedian and actor who struggled with his weight. He found the sudden weight gain to be unusual as he always kept himself physically trained to ensure a fit body. However, he continued gaining weight despite him being physically active. After figuring out the problem, he decided to create a degree of workout that can help him to lose weight. He started jogging daily while also following a weight-loss program. In no time, he started losing weight.

Currently, he is still in the entertainment industry and can be seen regularly on Modern Family. Eric needs to take extra steps to ensure his body is at the right weight to eliminate any chances for medical conditions in the future. He knows that he still needs to lose more weight, but he is now taking things slow. Well, for as long as he is healthy, we guess taking things slow is definitely fine.


Teresa Guidice has one of the most amazing weight loss stories. Celebrities don’t have an amazing story to tell quite like Teresa as she’s experienced major ups and downs in her life that lead her to where she is right now. There was a time when she spent a year in jail but due to the lack of proper nutrition and physical activities, she started gaining weight. After getting out of jail, she made sure to make it up for herself by doing working out and yoga, which she credits for losing a lot of weight.

With her successful weight loss, she became healthier and looked younger than her actual age. Currently, the 48-year-old still does yoga to make sure that she can maintain her weight. With her slimmer physique, Teresa is the envy of every woman. She may have continuously dominated the headlines with all the controversies she’s in, but even bad publicity is still good publicity for celebrities.


Matthew McConaughey used to have muscular biceps and packs. However, as unbelievable as it sounds, he didn’t always have an amazing physique and there was a time that he lost too much weight. The actor would count the experience as something that changed his life and aligned his motivation and goals again. However, one day, everyone was surprised when they saw him lost a lot of weight. According to some reports, one of the reasons for his transformation was due to the film Dallas Buyers Club.

Matthew gained positive nods for his performance but his body suffered all throughout the shooting for the production. When the movie hit the theaters, he started to regain his muscles and his healthier appearance. It would be nice to see him as buff and lean as before. Hopefully, he can make some investments in a nutritionist or a fitness instructor so he can bring back his old beautiful and sexy body.


Jojo started her career at a very young age, that she already became very popular before she even reached her 20s. However, due to her busy schedule, she forgot to take care of her health, and that took a toll on her body. Jojo’s sudden weight gain was because of a bad relationship with her previous label and management. She and her team even filed lawsuits against her previous label because of the trauma that it caused her when she was just a teenager.

Today, Jojo is a with a better group of people that provide her a healthier working environment. Together with her camp, they decided to cut back on calories for as low as 500 calories daily. In no time, she started seeing great results because she became fitter and healthier than before. Credits to her camp because without them, she wouldn’t be able to feel motivated to lose weight. We hope she can maintain a healthy lifestyle for good.


Kelly Clarkson was a contestant in the 2002 in American Idol, where she was hailed as the winner of the show. After the series, she gained so much popularity and fame after that it seemed as if the musician had nowhere to go but the peak of success. She attained significant achievements because of her popularity and amazing talent and skill as a performer. She also gained confidence when her first-ever album became a success.

All of these endeavors have contributed to the singer getting lenient with her body and neglected her weight. Unfortunately, all her success seemed to not make her fully happy, and that’s because of her weight. To help herself lose the pounds, she registered for different online classes and the gym, which all paid off because she lost 40 pounds in just a short period. She’s not only an inspiration to aspiring singers, but to people who are also in their weight loss journeys.


Dr. Dre is one of the most popular rappers and music producers during his generation. He used to have struggled with being overweight, and he seemed to not do anything about it. However, with so much fame and success, Dr. Dre knew that if he continued ignoring his weight, serious medical problems would arise and lo and behold, the rapper was soon diagnosed with one. The diagnosis pushed the rapper to stop ignoring his weight gain and decided that it’s time to lose weight.

He hired a personal trainer to help him with his workout routine and to ensure that the level of difficulty will gradually change. With varying degrees of physical training levels, Dr. Dre lost weight fairly quick and even his fans were surprised. He also followed a strict yet healthy diet, which also helped him lose a total of 50 pounds. His hard work also helped normalize his blood pressure. Now at 54, he’s enjoying his healthier self.


Amber Riley is beautiful inside and out and has captivated the hearts of many people for her wonderful personality and beautiful physique. One might even say that she’s the perfect role model for celebrities and doesn’t have anything bad going for her. However, Amber did have one problem and that was her struggle with weight loss, but that didn’t stop people from recognizing that she has amazing talent and is oozing with confidence. Due to her weight, her doctor advised her to lose the extra pounds.

She was offered a gastric bypass surgery, but she declined. She preferred to do things the traditional way. She adopted a healthy diet and was determined to follow an exercise routine. Slowly but surely, she was able to shed the extra pounds off. Amber takes all the credit for this one. Her sacrifice paid off. Now she is looking healthy and even more gorgeous than before.


Believe it or not, Ricki Lake used to be 300 lbs. overweight. At that weight, people thought that it was near impossible to lose weight without going under the needle and that’s probably what Ricki was initially thinking as well. Eventually, she found that being overweight severely hindered her from giving her full potential in work and productivity. After contemplating and researching for a while, Ricki found out about a certain diet plan called Atkins and gave the new discovery a try among the many weight-loss programs that were offered to her.

The diet costs around $100 per week. It wasn’t a guarantee, but luckily, her investment paid off. Ricki lost a total of 100 pounds by the end of the program. After her separation with Christian Evans, she started to gain weight again. This time she went with a workout schedule. She continues to give it her best to maintain a healthy weight.


Perez Hilton takes credit for being a famous celebrity blogger. He became the talk of the town as soon as he started gaining so much weight. People never thought that Perez would become overweight in such a short amount of time, but that shows how different celebrity lives can be off-camera. It was unbelievable how he came to gain so many pounds. Everyone was shocked for it didn’t look healthy anymore, and it affected his career negatively, giving Perez more hate and criticism than he has ever had in his life.

In order to protect his career, he decided to lose weight, and he needed to do it fast. He adopted a proper diet and followed a regular exercise routine that was specially made to cater to his needs and work schedule. According to rumors, he may have undergone liposuction. It’s not confirmed, but his body showed signs of the procedure.


Jonah Hill’s career was on the rise but also was his weight. He was always known to be on the chubbier side even when he wasn’t famous yet, but when his career started to take off, weight gain was inevitable. It became a problem for him eventually and hindered him from getting chosen for projects and movie productions. Jonah eventually tried to consider going under a gastric bypass surgery, which wouldn’t be good news for his publicity and might come with a few risk factors.

After thinking about the pros and cons, he opted for a good diet plan instead. The surgery would have cost him $23,000 in expense from his investment. Luckily, he chose the help of a nutritionist who provided him a strict diet plan. After a few months, it only proved to him that the surgery was unnecessary. He made the right decision. Now he inspires other people to do the same.


Missy Elliot is just like one of the many celebrities who didn’t care about their weight. It wasn’t a surprise that she ignored her weight because, at the time, she was at the height of her success. Missy’s only focus was on her career and her making sure that she was raking in the cash to live the life she wants. She was very successful so why bother changing her weight? However, her doctor talked to her about her weight and how it can affect her overall weight.

This would directly spell trouble for the rapper’s career as being sick could potentially hinder her from performing and making music. Without wasting any time, she hired a nutritionist to ensure that her diet will be filling yet healthy. She also started adopting a workout routine, which helped her lose more weight. She credits her nutritionist for helping her lose all her excess weight and now is living a healthy lifestyle.


Rachel Frederickson became a part of the TV reality show The Biggest Loser, which paid off because when she came out of the show, she looked surprisingly healthy. For her to be able to maintain her weight, she made sure to adopt a great fitness plan and a diet program — credits to the things that she learned from the show. Celebrities usually forget about their time on The Biggest Loser because of its theme, but Rachel never stopped believing in herself and proved everyone that she could do it.

Due to her dramatic transformation, she was bashed online and on TV because they think that her transformation was unhealthy. Social media can be very unforgiving whenever a celebrity chooses to remain silent, but luckily for Rachel, she had the mental fortitude to cope with the criticisms. Fortunately, she remained strong and instead focused on her life and maintaining her healthy weight. She did the right thing ignoring those people.


Even at a young age, David Banner has always been a food enthusiast. Unfortunately, he made investments in unhealthy snacks and meals, which, according to him, are his comfort food. It isn’t unusual to see celebrities having unhealthy lifestyles, but in the case of David, the rapper didn’t hold back at all. His bad habits took a toll on his health, and he started gaining weight uncontrollably. He even got to a point where his management and label started to worry for his future.

He was later diagnosed with sleep apnea and hypertension, which don’t go well together especially if you’re overweight. The diagnosis made him change into a healthier diet, which includes a low carb diet, at least four to five times per week. He also started working out, which paid off, because he now looks muscular and fit with his beautiful body. Now that he’s fit, he plans on maintaining it for good.


When Jessica and Lisa Origliasso had an internet brawl, they started to become famous. It even gave them the popularity that they have been wanting. The two may have put themselves personally into the spotlight by doing something unsightly on the internet, but it seems that the incident helped them jumpstart their careers. Despite their luxurious home and popularity, they were still not happy about one thing, and that was their weight. The two decided to follow a weight loss routine, which was crucial to the salvation of their already diminishing careers.

People thought they had bad vices due to how sudden their weight loss transformations were. Jessica and Lisa immediately dismissed the rumors and came transparent about their weight loss plan. Fortunately for them, they managed to get back on track, and we credited this to both of them because they helped themselves with whatever they have achieved right now. It’s rare to see two celebrities helping each other during their weight loss journey like this and we’re excited to see what’s next for them.


Sasha Pieterse is one of the American actresses who was cast to play a popular character in Pretty Little Liars, a TV series. During the show, she began gaining weight, and this was because she was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Sasha’s condition was certainly uncommon, and coping with her health issues along with the added pounds to her scale didn’t help her career at all.

Her fans noticed this, and she received numerous ridicules online and on TV, which made people think that she might even go on hiatus from all the backlash she’s receiving. She knows that she needs to make some investments with her weight, and so with the help of a strict diet and fitness routine, she began her weight loss journey to turn her life around and get back on track. Her hard work paid off because out of 70 pounds that she needs to lose, she already lost 37 pounds.


Snooki is another famous reality TV celebrity who was never bothered about her weight. The actress never gave a thought about how her body might suffer because of her unhealthy lifestyle choices, but her ignorance soon vanished when she started a family. When Snooki gave birth, she started gaining more weight. Although this was to be expected, the actress never really anticipated the severity of the situation until she noticed that her parenting was suffering because of her weight problems.

This was when she decided to do something about her weight by adopting a proper diet and by doing exercises regularly. All her hard work paid off because she lost 40 pounds along the way. There were rumors that she made investments in plastic surgeries, including cosmetic surgery and gastric bypass surgery, but according to her, she didn’t use any of the things mentioned above. Currently, she is at her fittest state, and she definitely plans on maintaining her healthy weight for good.


Kristen Vangsness is popularly known for her role in the series, The Criminal Minds, as Penelope Garcia. Her weight changes were visible on the series, which wasn’t really ideal as her career was just starting. The imminent danger that her weight posed to her career gave Kristen the motivation to start losing weight naturally. She knew that she had to lead a healthier lifestyle as she wasn’t getting any younger by waiting for a miracle to happen.

She definitely made a great investment with her health because she is now happier and healthier than before. A number of people even went as far as to say she looked younger than she’s ever been in her entire life. Her hard work paid off because it helped her lose 50 pounds. Due to her amazing weight loss journey success, she became an inspiration to many who are also trying to lose weight. Hopefully, she’ll be able to maintain her healthy weight for good.


Lauren Alaina became popular when she joined American Idol. When her debut album, Wildflower, became a hit, she earned numerous awards. Lauren was a role model and an inspirational figure in many people’s lives. She may be successful in her craft, and people may say how perfect her life is, but for her, something was still not right, and that is her weight. It wouldn’t really impact her that much to gain a few pounds, but Lauren was a perfectionist and she knew that she had what it took to achieve a slimmer figure.

With her perseverance, she started a low carb diet, which helped her lose 25 pounds. She continued with her diet and along the way, lost another 15 pounds. In no time, she achieved the body that she wanted and has since shown a newfound aura that exudes confidence and dignity that she never had before. Credits to her perseverance because, without it, her weight loss journey may not be a success.


Sam Smith is just one of the many amazing singers in America today, and people would be shocked to know that he used to clean toilets for a living. Coming a long way from his janitorial duties, Sam is now a world-class talent with such a unique singing voice that no one would mistake his music for anyone else’s material. Fortunately, he was able to notice that and decided to lose the pounds. He started exercising regularly, adopting a healthier diet, which helped him lose 14 pounds.

The singer didn’t really need to lose a lot of weight, he just needed to achieve a lean and slimmer build to compliment his height and choice of fashion. Everyone was curious about how he did it, and so he admitted his techniques. Despite this, there are still some people who think that he underwent gastric bypass surgery. Well, whether he did exercise or went for surgery, we give him the credit for looking as sexy as ever.


Aidan Bryant has always been known for being obese, and she didn’t care about this until her doctor advised her to start losing weight. The actress, just like other individuals who were diagnosed with the same health issue, struggled to accept the harsh reality that she was facing. Aiden was also made aware of the health risk that’s linked to being obese, and so she decided to begin her weight loss journey. The 33-year-old star didn’t want her obesity to give her irreversible health issues when she got older, so she took action right away to eliminate the risks.

She adopted a moderate diet and made sure to exercise regularly, which she both credited for losing 15 pounds. Her hard work paid off because she is now back to her curvy and sexy physique. Aiden has found confidence and pride that she never had before because of her new figure, and it seems to be helping her pursue her career more passionately. She has certainly become an inspiration to other individuals that if someone as busy as her could do it, so can regular people.


John Bradley West is one of the most successful actors of his time, but his role in the TV series, Game of Thrones, was the most evident reason for his popularity and fame in modern entertainment. His weight became leverage because the show needed someone big and had little more fat than the average person. Unfortunately, despite being very successful in his craft, critics and fat-shamers ridiculed him endlessly to the point that John didn’t want to look at social media anymore.

He knew that he needed to do something for his health, so he decided to lose weight while ignoring all the hate and criticisms he regularly received. He decided to focus on his journey by adopting a strict diet that not only helped him lose weight but also taught him the value of patience and perserverance. Credits to his concern about his health, he was able to achieve his weight goal.


Kevin James has a great reputation in the movie industry, which helped him become popular throughout the years. Unfortunately, people will always find something to ridicule people for, and in Kevin’s case, it was his weight. He may have had an idea that he would soon be criticized for his weight, so he took precautions by doing something about it while working on a production.

When he was cast in the movie Her Comes The Boom, he started to do something about his health and up to this day, people still adore him for his resilience to go on diet despite being extremely busy. He decided to adopt a protein-rich diet and do regular exercises, which he credits for helping him lose weight. After losing weight, he became unrecognizable because of how much weight he’s lost. Now at 54, he is still active in the entertainment industry and can maintain his healthy weight.


Rikishi was one of the most popular WWE wrestlers and no one posed a more dominant threat in the ring than him. He weighed 325 pounds. However, when he decided to change careers, he knew that losing weight may be needed. Spending time outside of the WWE made Rikishi realize that he wasn’t getting any younger and his health would eventually suffer if he stayed overweight.

He started his weight loss journey by regularly working out and adopting a low-carb diet, which he credits for helping him lose 125 pounds. The amazing weight loss journey he went through served as an inspiration to other wrestlers who were also overweight. Every day, he would also do cardio exercises and make sure that he will make time for it no matter how busy he gets. Currently, at 55 years old, he is still working out. He also follows a healthy diet because he is still trying to lose more weight to help him gain more muscles.


Kelly Price has always been overweight, but when she decided to turn things around, she decided to lose weight in the most natural way possible. When she started, she weighed 300 pounds. Having so much weight would often make Kelly think about giving up completely and just letting life take its toll on her body. However, the singer-songwriter decided to change and started eating healthier, while also regularly working out.

A diet and a workout routine is a good combination to have when trying to lose weight, and Kelly certainly didn’t cut any corners. Credits to her determination, her weight loss journey became a huge success. Besides losing weight, she also regained her self-esteem. Now at 47 years old, she continues to eat healthy while regularly working out because she wants to ensure that she’ll be able to maintain her beautiful body. With her determination, she’d definitely be able to do so.


Timothy Spall is a popular American actor who appeared in the films, Alice Through Looking Glass and the Harry Potter series. The English actor even gained nods for his amazing performances in the movies he made and gained awards for the subsequent roles he played. However, when he appeared at the Venice Film Festival, everyone was surprised at how much weight he gained. It seemed that the actor enjoyed life for a little bit after the Potter series ended and gained a surprising amount of weight.

He was the talk of the town since that night, and fortunately, it made him realize that he needed to do something about the extra pounds or his health would eventually suffer. He started his weight loss journey by regularly exercising and adopting a healthy and proper diet. We’re glad that his investments in his new lifestyle helped him achieve the healthy weight he has now.


When Janelle Brown appeared on the TV show Sister Wives, people noticed her body and how overweight she looked. This was nothing to be surprised of as the show was broadcast on national TV with tens of thousands of viewers, so someone was bound to notice her body figure while she was on it. This may be one of the reasons why she decided to start her weight loss journey— to show people that she had what it takes to lose weight naturally and become a better version of herself entirely.

She started by adopting healthier nutrition and by regularly exercising. While on her journey, she was making a blog where she updated her fans about her weight loss journey. She even released a top-notch book, Watch Me Disappear. In no time, she started losing weight, while also getting popular in many leading publications. Credits to her determination, she was able to achieve her goal.


Jennifer Ellison is just like any other celebrity who struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. However, when she found out about the 800-Calories-Per-Day Cambridge Diet, she decided to make some investment and signed up for it. The diet plan was a hit or miss, as most people who invested their money into the program would find difficulty in maintaining the diet because of its strict nutrition table that needed full dedication and patience.

The nutritional program consists of a strict meal that needs to be followed daily. Although she’s not used to this kind of meal. She was determined to lose all of her excess weight and gain the figure she always wanted. In no time, her hard work paid off when everyone noticed her beautiful transformation. Because of her successful weight loss journey, she became an inspiration to many who are trying to lose weight but having a hard time to do so.


Anthony Anderson is an American chef on Iron Chef America, as well as an actor, comedian, and writer. As a chef, it can be one of the most rewarding and exhilarating experiences because you get to taste every food that you cook. However, weight gain comes with the job and whether you like it or not, seeing food every day will inevitably make you gain if you’re not disciplined enough. Anthony fell victim to this and gained weight as a consequence.

He wasn’t really worried about gaining weight, but when his doctor diagnosed him with type 2 diabetes mellitus, he decided that it’s time to lose the pounds. Due to the diagnosis and the nature of Anthony’s job, he needed to lose weight no matter what. He started adopting a workout regimen and a healthy diet. Soon enough, he already lost 47 pounds which surprised him and his fans. Well, credits to his determination because he became fitter since.


Michael Moore had always struggled with his weight simply because he found it hard to maintain a workout regimen and proper nutrition. However, since our technology keeps on evolving, he found a way for him to start losing weight naturally and comfortably without having to undergo a surgery. He found a weight loss spa and made investments in his health, registering for a regular subscription to their facilities.

The cost may be expensive, but he sure did lose a lot of weight. With the supervision of the trainers and nutrition experts he’s working with, Michael is looking better than he’s ever been. He is now 66 years old, which means he needs to maintain his weight so that he can live healthier and longer. Fortunately, Michael has already developed the attitude to stay fit and healthy and he can keep living a happy life in retirement that’s free from worry.


Charles Barkley is a retired professional NBA player, who was inducted into the hall of fame in 2010. Sir Charles, The Chuckster, and The Round Mound of Rebound are some of the nicknames that he had gained over the course of his career. Charles was an inspiration to many people, and many would say that his dominance and sheer influence on the sport has motivated many players around the world to be like him.

People thought that an athlete can never gain weight, but when he started gaining weight, he proved everyone wrong. His weight highly affected his basketball career. He was missing sports-related activities, including his training. This made him decide to start following a fitness routine and a proper diet, which he credited for losing weight. Soon enough, he started regaining his confidence back. Hard work does pay off, and we hope he’ll stay fit for good.


Jason Segel is one of the popular American actors who appeared in the hit TV show How I Met Your Mother. He has had many outstanding performances in comedy romance movies, and people still watch his films up to this day. Jason used to be an overweight celebrity who didn’t care about his weight at all because he never prided himself as the heartthrob type.

However, when he saw one of his pictures taken by his assistant, he knew that things needed to be changed and vowed to become healthier and more physically fit. He started his weight loss journey by adopting a stricter diet and a good fitness routine. The two weight loss plans and his tenacity to endure the journey rewarded him with great results. Soon enough, he started losing weight, and his fans became happy to see him fit and healthy. Credits to that photo that made him even more gorgeous today.


Penn Jillette is popularly known as an American musician, inventor, magician, and a best-selling author. He has certainly explored many endeavors in his life, but it seems that his health was the only thing he forgot to take care of. The celebrity soon became overweight from gaining too much weight as a result of stress-eating and total neglect to his diet. To protect himself from all types of cardiovascular diseases, he decided to lose weight.

However, before that, he didn’t care about how much he weighed. Fortunately, he saw himself, and he immediately knew that he needed to do something. Penn decided to sign up for a fitness plan and adopted a healthy diet. His investment in his fitness plan worked because he shed 100 pounds. Now at 65 years old, he is still fit and looks healthy as ever. We hope that he’ll be able to maintain his good health for good.


Pauline Quirke is an American actress who appeared in the film Birds of a Feather, which she also credited for her popularity. As she became more popular, her weight also became increasingly dangerous. She soon realized how she’s putting her life at risk. This made her decide to follow a proper diet while also exercising regularly. From size 28, she went down to a whopping size 12, which even amazed her and the people around her. Now at 61 years old, she can maintain her fit figure and her healthy body by continuously following a healthy diet and a regular exercise.

Pauline embodies the truth that anyone can lose weight through a natural process. She stopped drinking and quit sugar altogether. With this revamped dedication to eating right, Pauline was able to lose three stone. The English actress seems to develop a commitment to health fitness at the right time now that she is in her 60s.


Sara Rue became a popular teen actress when she appeared in the Less than Perfect sitcom and the series Popular. However, just like some of our teen actresses, she also struggled with her weight. Her weight gain became a problem for her because she feared that she might lose projects because of this. She decided to begin a healthy diet by following an extensive workout and a nutritional diet. With her body now, it seems like her determination paid off.

She is looking healthier than before. Credit her determination and motivation, she was able to achieve her healthy body right now. Her recent weight loss really did wonders for her career. Sara was able to star in the 2020 film American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules. She was also landed a main role in the 2020 TV series, called B Positive. It’s only a matter of time before the slimmer Sara lands even more prominent roles in film and television.


One of the most reliable Hollywood actresses is Valerie Bertinelli, who became popular for her role in One Day At a Time, a sitcom in the mid-’70s to ’80s. Her career was positively soaring high, but it took a toll on her health. She was having a hard time maintaining her healthy weight, but everything changed when she was introduced to an effective weight loss program. In no time, her weight went down — credits to the program for helping her achieve her weight goals.

She then became an inspiration to many. In fact, she became the spokesperson of the program and is now an advocate for weight loss. Valerie lost a staggering amount of 50 pounds in 2009. This 50-pound weight loss was because of the new diet regimen that she followed right after the passing of her parents. Valerie says that she’s found a way to avoid using food to cope with sadness.


Kelly Osbourne is very popular in today’s fashion scene. However, before she achieved the status, she struggled with different personal life issues. The issues included her bodyweight and her very unhealthy lifestyle. After struggling for years, she decided that it is time to take things around. She searched for the best way to lose weight, and thankfully, she found the right weight loss program that’s specifically made just for her. Well, credits to that program because she lost a total of 70 pounds.

Now a successful fashion designer, she is focusing on her career, while also making sure to maintain a healthy weight. Kelly also shared that one factor for her weight loss is the gastric sleeve surgery she had. Regardless of her means, you’d have to commend her for taking action. We hope that Kelly uses her gastric sleeve surgery to help kick-start and sustain an active and healthy lifestyle.


Drew Carey is an American TV personality and comedian who spent the majority of his life living unhealthily. For his doctor, his condition is somewhat serious because it was becoming a threat. He got diagnosed with type-2 diabetes mellitus, which made him realize that he needs to do something about his health. Drew started following a diet that consisted just fruits. He also started drinking water while going to the gym often. Well, credits to his determination because he didn’t only lose weight, his diabetes was also gone.

Hopefully, he’ll be able to maintain his healthy weight for good. Drew let us in on a little secret that helped him lose all that excess weight. He’s stopped taking sodas and other sweet drinks that had a lot of sugar in them. This habit change certainly worked wonders both ways for Drew as it allowed him to deal with his health problem while losing weight along the process.


Joell Ortiz is one of the most popular people in the hip-hop scene, especially after his body transformation. In 1998, he was overweight and was almost obese. He experienced a lot of disadvantages due to his unhealthy weight, so he decided to turn things around. He followed a healthy diet and extensive exercise, which helped him lose 50 pounds. Along with the weight loss, he also regained confidence and composure — credits to her determination to lose weight. He is still a popular rapper, which may be because of his great body transformation.

Joell’s previous lifestyle was direly unhealthy. He recalled that he was living the “rockstar life,” which comprised of heavy drinking and bad eating habits. He has now shifted into a healthy lifestyle that’s far from eating cheeseburger deluxe. Joell’s certainly aiming for longevity with how well he has taken care of himself lately. We’re excited about the things he’ll be able to produce through this healthy lifestyle.


David Styles is another hip-hop rapper on our list. He may look muscular today, but he struggled with some weight gain problems back then. He decided to lose weight when he started getting questioned because of his body. With his determination and perseverance, he spent a lot of time working out at the gym. He also started following a healthier diet to achieve a healthy weight and a buff body. Well, his investments obviously paid off because he now looks healthier than ever.

Hopefully, he’ll be able to maintain a healthy weight not only for his career but for himself as well. Losing an incredible 400 pounds or 181 kilograms is no easy feat. This accomplishment is something that David can add to his repertoire. He was very dedicated to his diet regime that he lost 45 kilograms in the first three months. David now has a personal trainer and continues to be an inspiration for those who are trying to lose excess weight.


Teairra Mari was also considered one of the sexiest women during her time. At the age of 16, she signed a contract for her very first album with Jay Z. It became a hit for some time, but the sales went down. As her issues increased, her body weight also started to become a problem. She soon realized this and decided to follow a healthy diet with regular exercise. At 33, she now looks beautiful as ever with her now sexy frame. Credits to her determination because without it, she wouldn’t bounce back to her sexy body.

Teairra was able to lose a tremendous amount of weight when people around the world were asked to stay at home because of global health crisis. She has been open about her weight gain insecurities. Teairra attributes weight gain as a giant barrier to her success, and she even hinted at getting liposuction. Given that she had plenty of time throughout the lockdown, we’re confident that Teairra lost all that weight through healthy eating and exercise.


Jack Black is known as a modern comic artist in Hollywood. Due to his amazing acting skills, he landed projects after projects throughout the years. Most of his time was spent on his career, which caused his weight gain. However, after one of his friends started losing weight, it inspired him to change his habit completely. He followed his friend’s diet by limiting his intake of carbs while working out as well. In no time, he started showing positive results, and he credits all of that to his friend.

He is now still in the acting industry and looks fitter and healthier than ever. Jack jokingly attributed his weight loss to his interest in joining the Marvel universe and the Avengers. It could certainly be a possibility knowing that he has a lot of connections. If he ever gets the opportunity to join the MCU, he’d have to tweak his diet and fitness regimen to another level.


Bruce Vilanch is an American actor who is very familiar with different weight loss programs. He tried multiple programs to help himself lose weight only to fail. This made him decide to consult a doctor to help kickstart his weight loss journey. His doctor advised him to undergo surgery to help lose all of his excess weight. The result was a success because it indeed helped him lose a lot. He credits his doctor for his weight loss success. However, he is starting to gain weight again due to his food cravings.

We just hope he’s able to go back to his healthy weight; this time with the traditional method of eating a healthy diet and exercising. Bruce played familiar film roles, wherein he played the part of a fat person. However, his talent in acting certainly extends further than the fat-guy-stereotype. Bruce has to develop a couple of healthy eating and exercise habits if he wants to work toward a healthy weight.


Alec Baldwin never made his weight loss journey a secret, so he can inspire other people. However, what surprised everyone was his technique to make this journey successful. With his perseverance and discipline, he started eliminating sugar from his diet, which helped him lose a total of 30 pounds. He also made investments in his weight loss by working out. All of his hard work paid off because the weight loss journey became a huge success.

Now at 62, he is still in the entertainment industry and still looks healthier and fitter. Alec picked the perfect time to kick off sugar and start a healthy lifestyle. If this trend of healthy habits continues, then he should keep up to enjoy a comfortable retirement. We’re excited to witness Alec’s weight loss journey. He’s certainly going to land a couple more prominent film and TV roles if he continues to showcase a healthy physique.


Debra DiGiovanni is an American comedian who reached 300 pounds some time in her life. Due to her enormous weight gain, she became a concern not only for her family but to her friends as well. They started encouraging her to start losing weight, and fortunately, she obliged. This was after she found out about the risks linked to obesity. She started reducing her calorie intake daily, and in no time, everyone saw a huge improvement in her health.

Debra credits her family and friends because without their advice, she might have gained more weight and might even become morbidly obese now. Debra will certainly need to maintain sustainable eating and exercising patterns. Her career as a comedian will require her to go on different touring performances. Without a doubt, the task of maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on the road can be challenging. We hope that Debra is up for this task.


Sharon Rooney is a Scottish comedian and actress who rose to popularity after her role in the series My Mad Fat Diary as Rae Earl. In fact, she got several nominations because of the series and brought with her the British Academy Scotland Award in 2015 for Best Actress. However, her family became concerned about her weight because it was already affecting her health. She decided to change by making an investment in a healthy lifestyle. She started consuming healthier food and working out regularly. Let’s hope she’ll be able to maintain her healthy weight for good.

Sharon found recent success after playing a part in the 2019 film Dumbo. In turn, she’ll surely have income coming in after her role in the movie. With this fact, we hope that Sharon continues her trend of eating healthy amidst her growing big-screen success. If she continues to work on her weight, she should land more prominent roles in no time!


George Wendt is an American actor who became popular for his role in Cheers, as Norm, a beer junkie. Unfortunately, all those beers went to his tummy and made him gain a few extra pounds. In fact, he reached 300 pounds, which is also because of his endless food cravings. With the encouragement of his family and friends, which he credits for his now healthy lifestyle, he decided to improve his diet. He adopted a healthier diet and started working out as well. With his hard work, he lost around 75 pounds, which was a huge success.

Hopefully, he can fully get rid of liquor for his own good. George’s previous weight could have easily led to dire consequences. He’s well into his retirement years, and having a 338-pound body won’t do any good for him. We’re glad that he has been able to address his weight issues. For George, getting himself in the proper weight category would mean longevity and the chance to enjoy his retirement years.


Elle King used to be one of the celebrities who are often busy that they no longer have time to take care of themselves. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t notice that she’s gaining weight until her announcement of her upcoming wedding. For her to fit in a beautiful wedding dress, she started putting investments in a healthier lifestyle by following a strict diet. Her calorie intake was also limited daily, which helped her weight loss journey a success. In no time, she was back into her gorgeous body and walked down the aisle confidently.

It seems like people get encouraged to lose weight when pressured by a special event. We’re hoping that Elle can sustain the healthy lifestyle that she underwent before her wedding. Maintaining a healthy weight can mean wonders for her longevity and her music career. She’s touring at the moment, and we hope Elle can juggle her concerts and her healthy lifestyle together.


Amber Portwood used to have an hourglass figure before, but when she got pregnant, her body changed. She started gaining weight, which is also because of some personal issues. She knows that she badly wants to regain her beautiful figure, so she started seeing her body as a huge investment. She adopted a healthy eating habit while she also started working out. Unfortunately, all her hard work didn’t produce positive results, so she went to a doctor to help her. Well, it seems like the surgery was a success because she got her beautiful body back.

It’s definitely not wrong to make an investment in your body and health. Amber was able to cut her excess weight by saying no to sugar and empty carbs. She overhauled her entire fitness routine by using cardio and mixed martial arts as her workout of choice. Given how demanding cardio and training can be on the body, it’s no surprise how Amber lost all that weight!


Ashley Fink gained popularity when she appeared in the TV series hit, Glee. However, as she increasingly gained popularity, she also started gaining a lot of weight, reaching 300 pounds. This became a problem for her loved ones, so she decided to turn things around. She started adopting a strict diet and a daily exercise routine, which helped her lose a total of 80 pounds. She realized how her health can be a great investment, and so up until today, she continuously works out and makes sure to follow a healthy diet.

It’s always nice to be motivated in doing things for yourself. Ashley is no longer the plus-sized actress. She has come a long way from starting at the 300-pound mark when she first appeared in the show to showing a slimmer, sexy physique. Now, she has been able to realize that staying fit and healthy brings a ton of benefits.


Meghan Trainor is a talented American singer. However, her weight became a problem as her career soared high. She saw this as a wake-up call, so she decided to start changing her lifestyle. She began her weight loss journey by watching what she ate and by incorporating exercises along the way. It seems like she made a good investment in herself because her career started blossoming again after her successful weight loss journey.

Thanks to her discipline, for without her determination and motivation, she wouldn’t reach her beautiful and healthy body now. Meghan surprised her fans when she dropped another single. What made her fans even more surprised is that she has also dropped 20 pounds along the process. Meghan said that she has been able to find a knack and habit for exercising. It’s clear that she lost weight the healthy way, and her weight loss isn’t fuelled by a desire to be skinny or thin.


Queen Latifah is known to dream of having an hourglass body and beautiful curves. However, when she started gaining weight instead of achieving that body, she knew that it’s time for her to do something about it. She started her weight loss journey by doing strenuous workout routines, which helped her lose almost ten percent of her previous weight. Now, for her to achieve her dream of having an hourglass body, she made an investment and underwent breast surgery, which successfully gave her the figure that she wanted. Now at 50 years old, she aims to maintain her body for good.

Queen Latifah looks incredibly fit and healthy for a woman her age. This may help her increase her longevity by engaging herself in challenging workout sessions. With a healthy body, she can certainly continue her film appearances when she goes over 50. With a couple of films lined up for 2021, we hope Queen Latifah can balance a healthy lifestyle and a busy schedule altogether.


John Goodman has always been included in the list of overweight celebrities. He ignored those nasty comments, but what changed his mind was when he was named as Hollywood’s fat funny man. He began his weight loss journey by hiring a fitness trainer, which he received credit for helping him with his workouts. Along with the strenuous exercises, he also started following a healthy and proper diet. All his hard work paid off because he lost a whopping 100 pounds in no time.

He is the living proof that anyone can change from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthier one. John makes sure he is controlling his cravings and eating patterns. Regardless, his weight loss could mean positive things for his longevity. At his age–he’s 68 years old by the way–he’s continuing accepting film projects. We sincerely hope that John can continue appearing in films while maintaining a healthy weight.


Liz Torres takes credit for her role in Netflix’s Gilmore Girls. She was known to be a little bulky. Fans were surprised when she appeared on the reboot and was thinner than usual. There was a huge change in her body. Because of her tremendous weight loss some said she went through gastric bypass surgery. However, there is no confirmation on whether these rumors are true or not.

By the looks of it, she seems very happy. At her age, roles don’t come often anymore, but she got to play one in Chick Flick because she lost some weight. We commend Liz for trying to sustain her current weight after the surgery. It can be easy to be comfortable with all the weight she has lost. However, we certainly know that it can be easy to spiral and gain the weight back. She is also already 73 today, so a healthy lifestyle should benefit her.


Another Hollywood celebrity who’s tagged as fat and funny is Seth Rogen. After he got featured in NBC’s The Green Hornet, he decided to turn things around for him. He was serious about losing weight, so he decided to hire a personal trainer whom he gave credits for achieving his fit body now. He also followed a nutritious and healthy diet plan to ensure that he will achieve his weight goal. Because of his amazing determination, he already lost 30 pounds in just ten days.

His hard work paid off because he looks fitter and definitely healthier with his body now. One person that deserves recognition for Seth’s weight loss is Harley Pasternak. Pasternak placed Seth on the widely effective 5-Factor Diet that led to his 30-pound weight loss. You can clearly see his weight transformation in the 2014 film The Interview with James Franco and other film projects in the succeeding years.


Jerry Ferrera has always been overweight even during his teenage years. However, when his weight reached 203 pounds, he knew that it was time for him to do something. He decided to kickstart his weight loss journey by finding himself a nutritionist and fitness trainer. His weight loss became a success that he gives credit to both his nutritionist and fitness trainer for helping him lose 55 pounds. His successful weight loss journey made him lighter and healthier.

Currently, at 41 years old, he managed to maintain his weight by continuously eating healthy and working out. Didn’t he become more handsome with his fit physique? Jerry played as “Turtle” in the hit TV series Entourage. He had it all from a prominent role, a beautiful girlfriend, and a thriving career. What forced “Turtle” to lose weight? Jerry said that he wanted to see if being in shape would land him more film projects, to which it did.


Zach Galifianakis is a comedian but unfortunately gained weight along the way. However, credits to his perseverance and determination, he decided to turn things around. He started following a weight loss program, and he limited himself from drinking alcohol. He followed the program strictly, and in no time, his fans didn’t recognize him because of all the weight that he lost. With his body right now, you wouldn’t even think that he used to be overweight back then.

We think that he’s able to maintain his weight because he’s still following a healthy diet and works out regularly. From the looks of it, Zach has been able to lose around 50 to 60 pounds. He has been pretty humble about his recent weight loss. He also shared that exercising helped his journey in quitting alcohol. Without a doubt, quitting alcohol and exercising worked for him as he’s now significantly slimmer than he was five or six years ago.


50 Cent is one of the most popular hip-hop artists during his time. Due to his busy schedule, he began to neglect his health, thus the weight gain. He noticed this and immediately started his weight loss journey. During this time, he starred in the film Things Fall Apart, which required him to lose more weight. Unfortunately, this made him lose a lot of weight to the degree that he already looked awful. Good thing he was able to regain some of his weight back.

Now, he looks healthier and fitter. Losing weight and looking ripped isn’t a new occurrence for 50 Cent. He has been seen with an outstanding physique in his early years as a rapper. However, losing weight for film roles is definitely new for 50 Cent. We’re excited to see how far the iconic rapper would go to be able to portray a particular character in a film.


Ruben Studdard was first seen in the TV show, American Idol, and became more popular when he won the show. Unfortunately, due to his unhealthy weight, he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This made him decide to follow a weight loss program. Credits to his determination and perseverance, it helped him lose 100 pounds in total. Unlike some people who get frustrated after getting diagnosed with a disease, he used this to start his weight loss journey and he successfully did!

Now at 42, he’s still maintained his healthy weight and is still active in the entertainment industry. Ruben is also known by the nickname “Velvet Teddy Bear.” This monicker should be coming to an end as he has now lost around 112 pounds. One reason for his weight loss is longevity. The singer wants to prevent things that he can prevent as early as possible with a healthy lifestyle.


Ronni Ortiz is one of the most popular casts of a TV series Jersey Shore. After the show, no one has heard of him again until 2012. However, this time, he was healthier and fitter than he was in the 2000s. According to Ronni, he decided to go on a diet because his weight is causing kidney stones. He adopted a healthy diet and went to the gym 4 to 5 times a week, and everything worked on this favor because he didn’t only lose weight, but he also became buff.

Ronni also tried different methods of losing weight. One alternative that he was able to try was the sculpting method. This method, which was made in a spa, is supposedly able to permanently destroy fat without the need for surgery. Combining the sculpting method and a couple of gym sessions worked incredibly well for Ronni. Credits to his motivation because without it, he might not think of losing weight.


Kevin Federline is one of the best dancers of his generation, but he gained popularity when he settled down and married Britney Spears. Unfortunately, their marriage ended, and he was faced with a very stressful separation, which made him gain weight. He gained nearly 200 pounds, and he took notice of this, so he decided to join the VH1 Celebrity Fit Club. Well, credits to his perseverance and determination, he lost a lot of his excess weight and was fitter than before.

We are guessing that his separation was also one of his motivations to lose weight. Federline seems to be doing fine as of 2020. He has a healthy weight and a healthy net worth of $6 million. He can definitely buy the things that he needs to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Given his previous struggles with his weight, we’re bound to see a healthier K-Fed over the next few years.


Mama June has always been known as an overweight woman, and she admits that she’s been struggling with it for years. However, things changed in 2016 when she decided to undergo gastric sleeve surgery to help her reduce the size of her stomach. The surgery was a success because it was 75% smaller. To ensure that she’ll lose more weight, she decided to hire a professional trainer, which she also credits because her trainer helped her lose a total of 84 pounds in just three months.

We’re happy for her that she is now a size four and only weighs 138 pounds. Mama June is now in her 40s. In turn, she’ll need to develop a lot of healthy habits to maintain her current weight. She certainly wouldn’t want to undergo another gastric sleeve surgery over the next few years. We’re happy to see her start working out and eating healthy to achieve a sustainable lifestyle.


Sherri Shepherd is another TV personality who didn’t care about her weight. She always eats whatever type of food she wants without worrying about gaining weight. When her doctor diagnosed her with type 3 diabetes, she knew that she needed to start seeing her health as an investment. She started by regularly exercising and adopting a healthy and proper diet. Due to her consistency and her endless hard work, she lost 40 pounds. Her weight loss also eliminated her need for diabetes medications since it became manageable.

It seems like getting diagnosed with an illness related to being overweight is another common reason why celebrities are losing weight. Shepherd shared that she has regained some weight after her recent weight loss. She fully attributes her weight gain to her busy schedule. She also mentioned that she would often eat out and rarely exercise. We’re confident that Shepherd would be able to get back in shape in no time. She could easily fall back on her keto diet and cut back on sugar once again.


One of the most beautiful American singers is Jessica Simpson. She also has a lot of achievements, and these are all because of her amazing skills and hard work. She has a fit and healthy body, but when she gave birth to her daughter Maxwell, she started gaining weight. She knew that weight gains happen during pregnancy, so she made sure to prepare for it. After she gave birth, she made an investment by following a weight loss program and lost more than 50 pounds.

Now at 40 years old, she’s back to her old fit and sexy body, which she maintains by working out and eating a healthy diet. Simpson recently posted a couple of Instagram photos that highlighted her weight loss. It looks like the singer has now lost around 100 pounds! She’s made the switch into hiring a personal trainer in Harley Pasternak. Under Pasternak, she was able to hit different goals that resulted in her now 100-pound weight loss.


Celebrity chef Rachael Ray is in her best form. She has dropped two sizes of her denims. Isn’t that fabulously great? Who says that you have to be young to work out? Rachael is a live example, as she started working out and losing weight in her early forties. This is so inspirational and motivating. After her weight loss, Rachael Ray is effervescent. She heats up the room with her smoking hot presence. Her delicacy is not restricted, she cooks delicious, and she looks delicious as well.

Her curvy figure makes her look magnificent and her flat belly is the icing on the cake. Rachel is the embodiment of not going on an eccentric diet to lose weight. It’s certainly good that she offsets her eating patterns with an extreme commitment to working out, and we can give her credits for that. She says that giving in to your cravings is not a problem as long as you eat in moderation.


Renée Zellweger is an American actress who became popular when she appeared in the film Bridget Jones’ Diary. Due to her role in that movie, she was required to add some weight. Other actresses may have resisted it, but she gladly obliged. Thanks to her determination, she became a successful actress. She did everything needed to portray that role perfectly. However, after the film, she went back to her actual weight with the help of a nutritionist.

She made investments by doing regular exercise and following a strict diet. In no time, she was able to go back to her old weight. Renee uses a detailed diet plan together with her willingness to put in work in the gym. She says that no matter where she finds herself, she’ll always find a way to work a sweat every day. Renee uses her gym time and exercise as her common denominator in her life.


Miranda Lambert is one of the famous country singers during her generation. When she and his ex-husband, Blake Shelton, got separated, she started gaining weight due to stress. As soon as she realized this, she decided to make some investments in a weight-loss program. She adopted a healthy diet and worked out regularly. In no time, she lost 25 pounds. Currently, at 37, she is still able to maintain her healthy weight because of her continuous workout and healthy diet.

Maybe we can follow her fitness regimen because it seems to work for her beautifully. Just look at how gorgeous her body is now! Miranda recently shed some light on the exercises that led to her weight loss. She said that she does a lot of cardio mixed with a little strength training. Miranda also stressed the fact that she spends a ton of time at the gym. One aspect that she equates to her weight loss is the circuit training she does.


Melissa McCarthy is another overweight comedian, who has been struggling with weight for many years. Fortunately, she realized that she needed to do something about her weight, as this can cause certain health issues. She started her weight loss journey by adopting regular exercise and a strict healthy diet. Credits to her perseverance and motivation, her hard work paid off. Also, it seems like she became successful in maintaining her fit body, because now at 49, she still has that fit physique.

Melissa claimed that her weight loss journey started after she landed her big role on Gilmore Girls. She even tried an all-liquid diet, which led her to lose 70 pounds. She later said that the experience wasn’t an enjoyable one as she felt starved most of the time. Melissa now claims that she’s been losing weight since she changed her lifestyle. “There’s no trick,” she says as she now doesn’t do anything for fun and is already in bed by 7:30.


Delta Burke is famous in TV shows, which made her also became a Hollywood star. Unfortunately, due to her obesity, she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Besides this, she was also diagnosed with depression. She decided to take control of her health and not the other way around. To help herself, she started going on a diet and adopted a healthier lifestyle. She made a great investment with her health because she eventually lost weight. Her weight-loss made her happier than ever.

According to reports, her husband was very supportive of her weight-loss journey, which contributed to its success. Delta attributes her weight loss to undergoing a medication that lowers her blood sugar after each meal. It also helped her to fight off and suppress her appetite and cravings. With this, Delta was also able to monitor her diet. She should see more results once she adds exercise to her weight loss regimen.


Kaley Cuoco from The Big Bang Theory always made sure to take care of her health and body, no matter how hard it is according to her. For her to be able to maintain her amazing figure, she often does yoga and goes to the gym. In 2016, she revealed that she tried almost all fitness styles to find the best one for her. However, what worked for her is hot yoga and she also goes to the gym regularly as well. She also loves forearm planks, dumbbell chest presses, and several routines.

Another factor that helped Kaley get rid of her excess weight is diet. She’s been able to shed a couple of fat from avoiding junk foods. Kaley said that she needed to clean out the fridge and all the soda, chips, and cereals inside it. It seems like she’s doing great in maintaining her sexy figure. We hope she can share her secrets with us through an online class or blog.


Kate Winslet is an American actress who is popular for her different movie roles. One of the most popular films that she did was with Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. Through the years, as she aged, she also began gaining weight. This may be because of her busy schedule that she no longer had time to take care of her figure. Fortunately, she noticed this and decided to make a serious investment in a strict diet. She also added a workout so she can maintain a healthy body. Hopefully, she can maintain her figure for good.

Kate recently shared her sentiment on post-baby weight loss. She’s not a fan of quickly getting back in shape two or three weeks after having a baby. Kate must be confident that she can shed her post-baby weight in no time. We’re also sure that she already has a few go-to alternatives for losing weight post-baby.


Chrissy Metz has become an inspiration to many. Her weight loss journey touched the lives of many. Before her role in This Is Us, her agent asked her to start losing weight, which she did by adopting a diet that will help her lose weight fast. Soon enough, she lost 50 pounds and another 100 pounds, which may be one of the causes of her depression. In fact, during her 30th birthday, she suffered a panic attack, which made her rethink her weight-loss strategy. She decided to opt for a healthier diet to help her lose weight safely.

Her health investment must be paying off because she has been losing weight in a safer manner. Chrissy shared her go-to fitness regimen besides a healthy diet. She goes for a walk outside for at least 20 minutes a day. It’s understandable how she lost weight with a 2000-calorie diet mixed with a light physical activity like walking.


Kirstie Alley is one of the most famous actresses of her generation. She is also one of the celebrities who struggled with her weight. Good thing she decided to take on the challenge and started her weight loss journey by following a strict diet called the Jenny Craig Diet. Soon enough, she lost a total of 75 pounds. However, in 2011, she regained her weight and even reached 230 pounds. Her weight gain was too obvious during her guesting in Dancing With The Stars. In 2017, she lost 50 pounds again, so she decided to maintain that weight for good.

Kirstie shared her secret about her recent weight loss. She says that she lost weight by not buying unhealthy and processed foods. We’re happy that Kirstie has been able to develop a healthy eating pattern. She’s also an advocate for women and the anti-body shaming movement. We credit her determination to lose weight because it seems to have paid off.

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