Sarah Jessica Parker reached the pinnacle of her career thanks to the hit television series, Sex and the City, which aired from the late 1990s until the mid-2000s. Her role as Carrie Bradshaw brought her several awards and recognition, including a couple of Emmy Awards, four Golden Globes, and three Screen Actors Guild Awards. Her character portrayal is also regarded as the greatest female character in American television history. She says that she gives credit to her favorite role, Carrie, for her accomplishments in the entertainment industry.

The series was turned into a movie which was released last 2008 then followed by a sequel two years after.

Currently, at 54 years old, she is still as beautiful as she was back then. Though we said goodbye to Carrie years ago, Sarah Jessica will always have that glow in her. I mean, come on, she still rocks those heels like it’s nobody’s business.
