Danica McKellar – Born in 1975

The younger generations in the late 1980s and early 1990s era will instantly recognize the beauty of Danica McKellar. Surely, most teenagers back in the days had a crush on the actress that portrayed Winnie Cooper in the hit drama series The Wonder Years. Aside from her acting career, McKellar is also a published writer with six non-fiction books to her credit, all of which are Math-related. Her goal was to encourage children deal with Mathematics confidently in school and in real life.

She’s currently 45, but she can easily be mistaken as a woman who’s in her 20s or early 30s. She didn’t only portray her acting prowess to the public, but she’s also showed that she has the brains. McKellar got her bachelor’s in mathematics from UCLA. With this knowledge she was able to help many school children achieve success. The actress married Scott Sveslosky, in 2014 who became her son’s stepdad.
