Julie Andrews – Born In 1935

A certified Hollywood A-lister, Julie Andrews, appeared in popular movies such as Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, and Aquaman. She is considered a big star, but like everyone else, Andrews had her fair share of heartaches.

The day she woke up after she underwent surgery to have a non-cancerous vocal nodule in her throat removed, Julie was devastated to find out that her golden voice was gone.

Being a singer all her life, with singing as part of all her acting achievements, we think that Andrews must have saved up to make investments knowing she can’t have singing as her career anymore. Regardless, we all hope that she is doing well and enjoying the rest of her life right now. She is, after all, still the phenomenon singer that we all loved and known her for. Also, her beauty is always way better compared to any 85-year-old.
