Joel Osteen – Born In 1963

Joel Osteen rose to prominence as a pastor, televangelist, and author. His televised sermons had 10 million viewers in the US alone. Aside from preaching, Osteen is also into writing. He has made an investment in writing books, which turned out to be bestsellers.

He ventured into preaching because his father, the senior Osteen encouraged him to preach for many years. Although he once declined, choosing to work behind the scenes, he finally gave in.

In January 1999, he acknowledged his father’s request and delivered his very first sermon. From here, the rest was history. It was a success, and it changed Joel’s life tremendously. He then became the senior pastor of Lakewood Church later that year, and their attendance dramatically grew throughout the years. Since then, Joel would be always assured on what he wants in life which is to serve God with his full capacity and use his talent to inspire people.
