Believe it or not, Ricki Lake used to be 300 lbs. overweight. At that weight, people thought that it was near impossible to lose weight without going under the needle and that’s probably what Ricki was initially thinking as well. Eventually, she found that being overweight severely hindered her from giving her full potential in work and productivity. After contemplating and researching for a while, Ricki found out about a certain diet plan called Atkins and gave the new discovery a try among the many weight-loss programs that were offered to her.

The diet costs around $100 per week. It wasn’t a guarantee, but luckily, her investment paid off. Ricki lost a total of 100 pounds by the end of the program. After her separation with Christian Evans, she started to gain weight again. This time she went with a workout schedule. She continues to give it her best to maintain a healthy weight.
