Eve Jobs is the third daughter of the late Steve Jobs to his wife, Laurene Powell. Eve is now 22 years old and making a name for herself. She is a student at Stanford University. She often portrays her interesting college life on the social networking site Instagram. Eve inherited the talents of her parents and is a rising star in the equestrian world. She competed in equestrian events and won the CSI 3 Grand Prix and the $100,000 Reliable Rentals Grand Prix.

Although Eve and her siblings’ net worth weren’t revealed, their father left them a huge amount of money, according to reports. Their mother inherited this big money that brought her net worth to a whopping $21.9 billion when Steve died. However, it wasn’t revealed if Powell divided this amount to their children or gave it to Steve’s first child, Lisa. Whether she splits it or not, rumors have it that Steve’s children have a higher degree of net worth than Bill Gates’ kids.
