Jessica Lange – Born in 1949

Anyone born in the ’90s couldn’t have missed the rise and popularity of Jessica Lange, an actress with both a beautiful face and outstanding acting talent. She is a versatile actress and people admire her intelligent performances which earned her various nominations in Academy Awards. Even today, Lange continues to grace the screen with her ageless beauty by making TV appearances, recently in the horror television series American Horror Story.

Lange admittedly has faced numerous challenges that affect her work as an actress, including those concerning her health. Still, this multi-awarded ageless beauty continues to take on new projects, such as UNICEF, photography, and film production. With all these going on for Lange, credit card processing must be a breeze! She was also a renowned photographer who has shown her works in an exhibition in New York, Barcelona, and Los Angeles. Her beauty is timeless, and so are her talents and skills.
