Ursula Andress – Born in 1936

Ursula Andress’s breakthrough film role was as the very first Bond girl in the James Bond franchise, Dr. No. Her performance set the standard for the succeeding Bond girls. She had the makings of every man’s fantasy with her perfect curves and sensual eyes. A home security system would have been necessary to ward off unwanted “visitors ” and keep her safe. During her first time in Hollywood, she was struggling to learn English. Later on, she mastered speaking the language and became a prominent actress in her time.

Such beauty and youth might be hard to let go of, that’s why Andress tried to hang on a little bit longer by resorting to plastic surgery when she aged. Unfortunately, the procedure did not go well and ended up ruining her pretty face. Still, her beauty remains underneath the procedure and stays as the first girl of James Bond in many people’s hearts.
