Sissy Spacek – Born in 1949

Sissy Spacek played the title role in the 1976 movie adaptation of the supernatural horror novel Carrie so convincingly that it would have been a good idea to just take online classes back then in fear of bumping into Carrie in your school premises. She was admired by audiences for how she genuinely conveys characters in films. No wonder Spacek obtained nominations for BAFTA Award, Oscar Award, and garnered a Golden Globe Award because of her outstanding performance.

After playing the notorious character, she stayed for several more years in Hollywood before she decided to move away from the limelight. Recently though, she staged a comeback in Netflix’s dramatic thriller series Bloodline and was once again praised for her great performance. Now aged 71, she still looks radiant and manages to appear camera-ready. She still remains in the industry and has various roles in many TV series and movies. We sure would like to know more about her skincare investments!
