Ben Stiller and Jerry Stiller

Ben Stiller inherits his father’s, Jerry Stiller, humor. The legendary comedian has spent many years making people laugh in the comedy team-up, Stiller and Meara, with his wife Anne Meara, Ben’s mother. In their own Television sitcom, ‘Stiller and Meara Show’ (1986), Stiller played the role of deputy mayor of New York City.

He has already proven himself in the movies Zoolander, Night at the Museum, and more. Jerry can now retire and enjoy the fruit of his labor and investments.

Jerry has had most of his projects in the comedy scene. Ben and his sister are quite familiar with comedy as they are both comedians themselves. Ben has also made quite a career out of himself, starring in various blockbuster hits. Without a doubt, Jerry would be proud of the actor, performer, and man Ben has become.
