Morgan Freeman is a true fan favorite with his cheerful demeanor, making him the perfect choice to play presidents and even Gods. He had a few huge roles under his belt, but one of Freeman’s most enduring qualities has less to do with what you’ve seen him in. After his memorable narration in Shawshank Redemption, Freeman’s voice was in high demand and he had a hectic year in the sound booth in 2005. He continued his banner years with continuous performances in films like Se7en, Bruce Almighty, and Million Dollar Baby.

Freeman has more than 100 acting credits under his belt, attributing to his huge sum of money. He achieved some degree of stardom on the big screen, and in fact, he almost passed up some of the roles for which he is best known. For over 40 years, he has built his name on his iconic voice and critically praised performances, proving that hard work pays off.
